Sunday, May 15, 2011

First day in Capetown!!

We woke up to a foggy but noneth

eless beautiful day in cape town. Kind of in love with this place. We've got an incredible apartment with a balcony overlooking the ocean and it feels very homey already.
We went on a bus tour of the city and I've never been to such a diverse yet beautiful place. We drove up to the top of cape town and were able to snap some fantastic pictures of the riel view of the city. The soccer stadium is humungous and looks like one big toilet bowl. There is skyscrapers in the center of the valley of the cape and the hills around them are blanketed with smaller colorful buildings and homes.
On the bus ride we went from mountain carved out villas overlooking the ocean (laguna beach style) to mere shacks with dozens of children scattered everywhere and betters lining the streets. The visual juxtaposition was very moving and reaffirmed to me that there is still a very strong class divides and hardly an in between from wealth to poverty. I'm really excited to learn more about the history of South Africa and apartheid that has made this class divide so evident.

Kelly said...

Our plan tonight is to go to a restaurant in town called Cubanas and then hit the clubs (on a sunday... they do that here). Very excited and will report back later.


  1. We woke up to a foggy but nonetheless beautiful day in cape town. Kind of in love with this place. We've got an incredible apartment with a balcony overlooking the ocean and it feels very homey already.
    We went on a bus tour of the city and I've never been to such a diverse yet beautiful place. We drove up to the top of cape town and were able to snap some fantastic pictures of the riel view of the city that I'll post later. The soccer stadium is humungous and looks like one big toilet bowl. There is skyscrapers in the center of the valley of the cape and the hills around them are blanketed with smaller colorful buildings and homes.
    On the bus ride we went from mountain carved out villas overlooking the ocean (laguna beach style) to mere shacks with dozens of children scattered everywhere and betters lining the streets. The visual juxtaposition was very moving and reaffirmed to me that there is still a very strong class divides and hardly an in between from wealth to poverty. I'm really excited to learn more about the history of South Africa and apartheid that has made this class divide so evident.

  2. Our plan tonight is to go to a restaurant in town called Cubanas and then hit the clubs (on a sunday... they do that here). Very excited and will report back later.
