Saturday, May 14, 2011

day 1-- the journey

The flight started out peaceful and easy (just like the Eagles so elegantly described). I decided to drink a nice glass of white wine to drift on to sleep and get ahead on the time change. After just a few sips of wine and one Norah Jones song deep, I feel a head plop onto my shoulder. Low and behold the sweet Polish girl (shout out to you Aunt Bern!!) next to me is convulsing violently and I quickly reason that she is having a seizure. So much for the sleep. Just kidding, I'm not quite that much of a narcissist as Ryan has suspected. But it was a whole ordeal and thankfully she was okay after 4 doctors, an oxygen tank and some OJ.

I am writing this on the plane because sleep seems to be hopeless at this point-- as only my mom can attest to me driving her bonkers in years past on international flight with insomnia/hyperactive problems. Good news mom: it's not you that has to deal with me this time (VICTORY, you cry). i am comfortably wedged between a rather large Indian man and the Polish girl. God Bless them. They have no idea what's in store for them for the next 8 hours of the flight. Sweet Polish girl's seizure will be a mere hiccup comparative to her 9 hours in two foot confines with Kelly Sugrue!
That's all for now...
Love you all

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