Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 5-- part 1: Leadership lecture

Day 5
"You make a living by what you earn, but you make a life by what you give" -Winston Churchill
This morning we had the CEO of the Amy Biehl foundation come and talk about his experience with service and leadership and about success stemming from the utilization of both of these aspects. He started out with telling us the story of Amy Biehl ( who as most of you know was fighting apartheid and was stoned and stabbed to death by freedom fighters who mistake her for the enemy). Her parents started a foundation in her name that focuses on keeping children in poverty off the streets by involving them in after school activities that can spark a passion for life and knowledge and avoid gangsterism, aids, substance abuse, and violence. He spoke about what kind of leadership it takes to run a company like this or any other powerful business. He said that emotionally well rounded leaders possessing passion, a good attitude, and energy for their area of leadership is the best path. He said that in any business, social responsibility is integral as it, invoice, and product are a three legged stool.
Besides the service aspect, he reaffirmed everything that Pat Sugrue has drilled into my head since little league baseball in a tu-tu about leadership and running a company. You must employ people with passion and most also evoke that passion as the leader. You resect the people working for your company but not bad work. He also commented about the importance of visiting every store and being the down to earth leader which also brought me back to dad switching cars and going to each store and meeting the people who ran them. Thanks dad

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