Thursday, May 19, 2011

day 3-- apartheid

We started our day with a lecture on pre, during, and post apartheid from a history professor at the West Cape. She explained the facts of apartheid and also brought a lot of emotion into it as she was a classified "coloured" and experienced being a second class and segregated citizen in south Africa under apartheid first hand. As a group, we all had a very emotional moment as the speaker broke down into tears when she spoke about the impacts it has had on the communities she has studied. The lecture evoked a new found passion in me in this part of South African history and I cannot wait to visit Robben Island this weekend.
That night a group of us went to a Greek Restaurant for dinner and ended up talking to a south African couple for 4 hours. The couple truly exemplified the hospital culture here in Cape Town as they took 4 hours out of their night to get to know the obnoxious American tourists, giving us advice, culture lessons, and just sharing stories. They invited us to their villa and are having a brye (BBQ) for our group of 10 next Sunday. I can't tell you how at home this couple made us felt and so welcomed to their country, unlike any other experience I've had in my travels. I'm never coming home!!!

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