Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 2-- amsterdam

We have finally landed and have a few hours of a layover in Amsterdam. Observations about this place:
-McDonalds costs approx 12 dollars per person (Jake was in shock). They also took longer than an american McDonalds and Jake concluded, "they must not have assembly lines here yet".
-While walking through the airport as the group of boys were epitomizing the "loud American" stereo-type, I overheard some French men trash talking about us and finally my 5 years of French seemed to have some significance. I turned around and smiled at them and said the first French word that came to my mind-- "Bonjour". Embarrassing, I know and they laughed even harder. My on the spot vocab may have been rusty but I was proud of the effort? Thanks Westminster.
-Note: they do not speak German. It's Dutch as I so disappointedly discovered when I tried to be all high and mighty and utilize my German 1001 skills from this past year.
-They give delicious carmel ice cream out on the Dutch airline (winning in my book) and the seats are extremely comfy (partially because Jack and I conned our way into sitting in economy comfort instead of just regular economy with the rest of our friends).
Sat next to a local from Cape Town and he had a lot to tell us. Jack Konas was in shock when he flashed his Auburn National champions pen in the man's face and he didn't understand the magnitude of the title. We then preceded to have a 30 minute conversation of comparing and contrasting American vs. South African sports. Enlightening.

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